We collected data from the following scenes in The Fine Line ~ twisted angels. A scene is a short movement segment, titled by Judith Garay during the creation process. The scenes were chosen by the performers and researcher, Shannon Cuykendall and consist of group, solo, and improvisational movement. Select a scene to hear the dancers’ reflections and see their performance.

The dancers move their eyes in opposition to their body as they stare into the vacuous space that surrounds them.
When perception slips and half of the face is gone. When what is seen is not real. When reaching for something renders one empty handed.

The dancers expand their bodies and grab imaginary particles in space.
A state when everything feels engorged and gigantic. Although one knows this not possible, the sensations in the body tell a lie that cannot be ignored.

A structured section of improvisation where touch provides the impetus for the movement pathways.
Transforming one sense into another.

antonio's solo.
Antonio’s solo opens The Fine Line ~ twisted angels and establishes the overall tone of the work. He appears as an outsider.
Trapped in the shadows of his own warped mind, ricocheting between imagined safety and the need for always wanting more.

bevin's solo.
Following Antonio’s solo, Bevin’s solo demonstrates her symbiotic relationship with Vanessa.
Surges throwing her from place to place and off kilter. - Around this way somewhere. - Life draining away. - Give it to me I want it.

vanessa's solo.
Vanessa’s solo demonstrates her curiosity and follows the section “Huge.”
Where is the ground, it keeps moving? - I think I saw it oh there are millions - The world is shifting.